Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Critical Periods of Puppy Development - Part I

Over the past ten years of dog training, I have found that most dog owners have no idea about the critical periods that their puppies will go through as they grow. These periods are crucial to the development of the puppy, both physically and mentally. The first critical period is called the Neonatal Period. I'll be describing other periods in later blogs.

The Neonatal Period takes place from birth to about 12 days old. During this period, puppies have two primary functions: eating and staying warm. A puppy is born without the capability to keep itself warm, so it relies on its environment to do it for him. His mother stimulates urination and defacation. He is not able to see or hear. Though his sense of smell and touch are diminished, he can react to hot or cold, and to pain.

The puppy moves by crawling forward in a circular motion, turning his head side to side and he uses his sense of smell to find his mother. He can cry out for mom which stimulates her to find him. The puppy grows very quickly in size and strengh during this period.

Stay tuned for Part II...

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