Sunday, September 17, 2006

When is the best time to start training?

One of the most common questions I get asked is "When is the best time to start training?" The answer to that is simple: As soon as you bring your new puppy or dog home!

You need to start training him where to go the bathroom, when it is time to eat, acceptable and unacceptable behaviors, where to sleep and when to play. Don't forget the 3 P's of dog training: Patience, Persistance and Praise! Getting a new dog on a schedule will help the dog settle into his new environment and let him know what is expected from him.

Feeding a new puppy on a schedule will also speed up the housetraining, because you will learn the puppy's elimination pattern. Most puppies will go the bathroom within ten minutes after eating, but I have seen some go two hours after eating. Knowing when your puppy needs to go will help reduce accidents in your house. Don't expect an eight week old puppy to hold it through the night. If you see that he is having an accident at around the same time every night, set your alarm clock for 15 minutes earlier and take him out. Slowly adjust the alarm clock forward until he can hold it through the night.

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